Objection for Change of Maharashtra Coastal / Mangroves / CRZ location in proposed DRAFT Map for Thane District
Press Releases
1. Environment Department, Govt of Maharashtra
New Administrative Bhavan, 15th Floor, Madam Kama Road,
Mantralaya, MUMBAI - 400 032, Maharashtra, India
2. Collector Office Thane
Court Naka, Thane West, Maharashtra-400601
Subject :-- Objection for Change of Maharashtra Coastal / Mangroves / CRZ location in proposed DRAFT Map for Thane District
Reference :--
1. High Court Order Violation of CRZ Norms PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION NO.87 OF 2013 at above said location.
2. Hon’ble Bombay High Court Order dated 07-02-2017 states that possible, Petitioners may tender a Google map as on the date on which PIL was filed, and the Google map showing present status of the wetlands, so that this Court can compare the extent of damage which is caused to the environment by virtue of encroachment on these wetlands and further ensure that the things can be restored to its original position.
3.Protection and Conservation of Mangroves and Implementation of Hon. High Court order dtd.6/10/2005 in P.I.L.87 of 2006 (W.P.(L)No.3246/2004)
4. Email complaint letter dated Monday, December 25, 2017, 9:47:16 AM GMT+5:30 for objection raised for change of CRZ boundaries in “Draft plan of CRZ / Mangroves land in Thane District”.