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EOW has arrested the valuers Vishwanatha S. Prabhu and Shripad G. Jere from Yardi Prabhu Consultants and Valuers Pvt Ltd. !!

Mumbai: EOW has arrested the valuers Vishwanatha S. Prabhu and Shripad G. Jere from Yardi Prabhu Consultants and Valuers Pvt Ltd. for irregularities in valuation of Loan in PMC Bank Scam. 
As per the RTI information received the Yardi Prabhu Consultants and Valuers Pvt Ltd. is not a registered valuer company . As per Income tax license under section 34 AB of Wealth Tax act is mandatory for valuation business. 
As the company is not allowed to valuation under section 34 AC so Yardi Prabhu Consultants and Valuers Pvt Ltd. has not been awarded as valuation license under section34 AB of WT act. The company is doing property and other valuations since last 20 years in banks, High Court , Supreme Court , NBFC etc . So question arises that without license how the Company was getting valuation business from PSU Banks and Private Banks? The recent arrest will expose the fake valuer network. The company is so rich that if some body register complaint to govt. bodies then it is filing defamation case against the complainant to withdraw complaint. Recently the disputed order of  Chief Justice of Bombay High Court disposed the PIL of this illegal valuer company because of defamation complaint is pending. The CJ Pradeep Nandrajog did not taken the RTI copy in record by passing order. As per law the PILs should be disposed under merit. Now the registry of Bombay High Court is not allowing to accept IA in Yardi PIL to save the accused and interest of banks by allowing miss carriage of justice. If Court protect such illegal company then the banks will continue to be collapse and honest businessman will suffer.


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