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The Biggest Real estate scam 40 Cr. Dharmesh Jain in the history of Maharashtra !! Dharmesh jain धोकेबाज़ और 420 बिल्डर है !! कस्टमर्स का आरोप !!

Dharmesh Jain धोकेबाज़ और 420 बिल्डर है !!
!!  कस्टमर्स ने कहां !!

यह लोग हर महीने #Dharmesh Jain के ऑफिस में आकर तकाज़ा करते रहते है। ऐसा अभी हमारी मीडिया को यह इन्फॉर्मेशन कस्टमर्स ने फ़ोन कर के हमारी टीम को बताया है !!

2014 से जनता से धोकेबाजी से इस बिल्डर ने मकान देने के नाम पर करोड़ो रूपये का धोकाधड़ी कर के आराम से बैठा है। 

ऐसा जनता का कहना है।

Dharmesh Jain  को पता है कि जब तक उसके पास बड़े बड़े राजनैतिक नेताओं का उसके ऊपर आशीर्वाद है। तब तक यह ग़रीब जनता उसका क्या उसका बिगाड़ लेगी।

महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने भले कितने भी कड़क क़ानून बनाये है।

उसकी क्या दशा होती है,उसका यह एक अच्छा उदाहरण है।

100 plus innocent families booked flats with DharmeshJain, Managing director, Nirmal Developers Mulund in the year 2014 for their Olympia project in Vaishali nagar Mulund west. He collected booking amounts to the tune of 15 Crores from buyers in 2014 and did not deliver flats in 2017 as promised. The plan to fraud innocent buyers was playing itself out perfectly until 2017, the year to deliver the project.
There was not even a stone moved on the site when buyers visited the site, hence the intention of the Builder was to always cheat the buyers of their hard earned money and not deliver the project. 

Dharmesh Jain the flamboyant builder from Mulund the eastern suburbs of Mumbai diverted the money to other businesses and earned returns while innocent buyers were assuming they would get a flat. The buyers chose to go to MahaRera to seek justice and their money back in 2017.

Two years after approaching the MahaRera in 2017 and multiple hearings, the MahaRera court passed an order in March2019 in favour of the buyers and issued recovery warrants for the Collector of Suburban Mumbai Mr.Milind Borikar to execute and recover 24crore that’s is principal and interest by attaching and auctioning JawharTalkies in Mulund that belongs to Dharmesh Jain and is worth 40 Crores as per the government's own valuation department who determined the base auction price for the auction proceedings

Dharmesh Jain in spite of knowing that the attachment is done by the State of Maharashtra on 26th June 2019 for recovery of dues goes ahead and mortgages it to a dubious NBFC SREI Finance on18th Sept 2019 and as per the NBFC Dharmesh Jain cheated them by not stating the fact of the property being attached by the State. 

The version of the NBFC does not hold much water as the recovery warrants and notice of attachment were stuck on the property in August 2019 by the sub collector for which police protection was also sorted by the sub collectors office Mulund west. The Collectors office does run a search on the property before attachment to ensure if there is any lien on it, this information was sorted from the Tehsildar Mr. Thorat, that the property was clean to be attached. 

Which brings into question the mortgage deed dated 18th Sept 2019 between Dharmesh Jain and SREI Finance, as the Finance company failed to run a due diligence on the property for reasons best known to the finance company.

This criminal action of mortgaging a state property after attachment is done by Dharmesh Jain shows his intention of cheating the state of Maharashtra and challenging the authority of the collector after he writes 3 letters to the collector to withdraw the attachment before signing the mortgage deed.

Dharmesh Jain wrote letters to the Collector office to release the attachment in July, August and September 2019, so he was fully aware of the fraud he intended to commit on 18th Sept 2019 with the Collector in other words with the State of Maharashtra.

Under the MahaRera order of March 2019 it is clearly mentioned that recovery proceedings have to be done under Maharashtra Land revenue Code 1966 as arrears of land hence the collectors rights over the attachment is paramount over any creditor as per MLRC.The collector in his capacity can attach any property and recover dues and has a paramount charge. This information was also sorted from the Van Vibhag of the revenue department in Mantralaya from Under secretary Mr. Kotekar.

Which means that even if the builder cheated the State and mortgaged the very property that was attached by the State, the States rights are always paramount over any creditors. Therefore, not only the paramountcy is created by date but also by rights in favour of the State of Maharashtra.

The collector has been painfully slow in his action as the Maharera order was passed in March 2019 and it has been 2 years since 100 innocent families are waiting for execution of justice after justice was dispensed. As per Maharera order of March 2019 compliance had to be filed by theCollector in 3 months that is 30th June 2019.

The Collector has not only delayed but also not followed the due process of auction by committing an error of notifying the auction in form 6 where it had to be done in form 7 as per section 218 of MLRC 1966, as auction is of an immovable property also period between notification and auction needs to be 30days which was not followed. 

This is surprising as a senior administrator, this negligence or lapse has caused the buyers two more years of waiting after justice is dispensed leading to trauma and mental harassment where people have lost their lives in this delay. This trauma cannot be quantified or compensated for. This procedural lapse by the collector has been highlighted by the Honourable MumbaiHigh court in its order of Jan 2020.

We appeal to the authority to please support us to realise and experience  the justice that has already been dispensed in a country that is run by rule of law under the constitution. Builders like Dharmesh Jain who play the system should be brought under the law and exemplified to similar miscreants that the law is above all. 

In our last meeting with Dharmesh Jain we were told by him that he can very well meet the Chief Minister and settle the matter which makes us fear the courage the builder gets by putting out such falseclaims and bringing a bad reputation to the state's chief minister. 

We have full trust in Maharera, High court,Police administration and the Chief minister’s office that this threat by the builder is not only false but also liable to take action upon by the state after taking cognisance of it, the buyers group have approached the Mulund Police station in Feb 2021 for the same however a complaint has still not been registered as initial investigation on an initial application is on for the last 30 days. 

Dharmesh Jain has not only defrauded the innocent buyers but also MahaRera by signing the consent terms and not adhering to refund schedule, the Collector by mortgaging a property that the collector had attached the High court by not stating facts that the proper mortgage is after the attachment. Be that as it may, the buyers are only seeking the refund with interest in a time bound manner and it does not matter if it comes via auctioning or attaching properties but the state has to punish such scams or this might lead to more scams

This appears to be a biggest scam in the history of real estate in Maharashtra and needs immediate attention, where money is taken from innocent middle class home buyers who find it difficult to go through the complicated maze a fraud builder like Dharmesh Jain creates so that years and years pass away while the case becomes a page in one of the files in some file room in the police station and courts.

Modus operandi is simple, take large money in the name of building flats and then divert it to other activities by the builder. Returns earned from other activities of the builder are used to settle the buyers with only principal amount after 8-10 years of struggle those that don't agree to principal are made to run pillar to post where the administrative system action is made slow.

The  scam is proven as the land allotted for building the structure has had no stone unturned since 2014. Which is a clear indication that no such plan of building homes existed. This was a smokescreen to cheat the innocent buyers. If a stop is not put to this, there will be scores of home buyers on the streets asking the state and the judiciary for justice, most of them senior citizens and poor families with suicidal thoughts given up on the justice system.


Unknown said…
Yes, apart from this project there are many project where customers and Authorities are cheated in same manner

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